Review: Twice on Christmas

Twice on Christmas by McGarvey Black
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

"Twice on Christmas" initially presents an intriguing premise with promising potential. However, despite this promising premise, the execution is flawed as it lacks the necessary elements to truly captivate the reader.

One of the main problems lies in the author's handling of suspense. Instead of skilfully building suspense as the narrative progresses, the author gives away too many clues about the eventual resolution of the crime too early on. Furthermore, the inclusion of a red herring feels forced and obvious, leaving certain character arcs unresolved.

Furthermore, the narrative suffers from excessive repetition, with numerous chapters feeling redundant. This lack of variety contributes to a sense of monotony and offers the reader no real threat or challenge to engage with and solve alongside the characters. Consequently, the conclusion of the story lacks impact, falling disappointingly flat.

Overall, "Twice on Christmas" struggles to gain a foothold in the crime thriller genre. The transparent plot, repetitive structure and lack of suspense make it too mundane for a crime novel and too flat for a thriller.

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